March 12, 2006

First Steps Towards Visual Studio 2005 Support

The good news is that I managed to do the preliminary work to retrofit my latest three installers so that they have a newer GTK+/GLib and GNOME versions. On the Gtk# installers for .NET framework, I have also made it OK for them to install on systems running only .NET Framework 2.0 redistributable (for our Runtime installer) or .NET Framework 2.0 SDK (for our Gtk# SDK version). Unfortunately I have not gotten around building a newer version of Gtk# (2.8.x) so I have just reused the existing Gtk# (2.7.1) that I have.

On the Gtk# Installer for .NET Framework SDK, I have added some early support for Visual Studio 2005 (C# only for now). This means that if at run time VS 2005 is detected two new project template types will appear for C# projects -- Gtk# and Glade# applications. If you only have VS .NET 2003 you will still get the two C# project types and an experimental Glade# project template for VB.NET. Should a user have both VS 2003 and 2005 it will install/uninstall in both.

I hope this makes life a little easier for some folks. As usual you can find the work in the locations below:

Mono Experimental Combined Installer

Gtk# Installer for .NET Framework SDK

Gtk# Runtime Installer for .NET Framework

Posted by martinf at March 12, 2006 06:36 PM