Comments: Mono and Gtk# development in Windows

We've built some GUI apps using Microsoft Studio which have issues when run under Mono.
When loading image streams from resources in an assembly using the ResourceManager we've found the Mono CLR cannot perform the type conversions which are supported by the Microsoft CLR.

The microsoft tools output the following code:

this.largeImageList.ImageStream = (System.Windows.Forms.ImageListStreamer)(resources.GetObject("largeImageList.ImageStream")));

GetObject returns a System.String containing the base64 imagestream data.

The type conversion to an ImageListStreamer type generates an exception "Cannot cast from source type to destination type."

Any help you can give would be appreciated.


Posted by Roger Twede at September 16, 2004 10:58 AM

Actually, the gtk# installer seems to check for Visul C#. It wouldn't install even though I had the 1.1 SDK installed.

Posted by Ben at September 18, 2004 02:56 PM

The installer at:

seems corrupted?

I downloaded several times by both ftp and http and even onto different machines and the md5sum never matched the one supplied.

Is this a known problem?

Posted by MartinG at September 20, 2004 09:22 AM