Comments: Gtk# Experimental Runtime for .NET

Great job!

From an application developer's perspective, I always wondered how to deploy a Gtk# application properly on Windows. That is, given just the MS .NET framework is installed, how to combine my application with Gtk# for Windows (.NET runtime) so the hassles for the users are minimized.

So far, I only succeeded running Gtk# applications under Windows by opening a cmd.exe and starting mono explicitly with the program. It always failed for the normal .NET runtime, like only Mono could find the installed Gtk# libraries.

Long talk, short question: Can I just install the new Gtk# for .NET runtime installer and then start my program.exe from any directory? Or do I need special environment variables set, special directory layout, or anything else? :-)

Thanks for the great work!

Posted by Sebastian at January 21, 2006 12:09 PM