Comments: Here We Go Again

We are building .NET applications today using various Microsoft and OpenSource technologies. In fact we are drooling over the idea that our application which has a client and server piece could run very soon on Linux servers. I'd love to run and Nhibernate inside the mono application server.

There is a disconnect on the desktop though. I know GTK# is looking good and I know cocoa# is coming along but we are building a skinnable windows forms desktop client using 3rd party winform controls from DevExpress because the standard Windows Forms control libraries are so sucky.

Desktop applications today suck. The widgets are 10-20 years old in their concept and were designed for computers with a 10th of the computing power of today's computers. I' like to see more applications built like Google's Picasa, Google Earth, etc...

Mono needs to get on this XAML bandwagon fast because it would make TONS of sense to write XAML based applications that would be able to run on any Mono enabled platform. Use System.Drawing / Cairo to draw all the widgets OpenGL accelerated.

If this were the case our applications would run on the desktop with no problems.

Posted by Corbin at September 17, 2005 04:44 PM

I do not see why mono could not support XAML. I mean it�s just an XML based language that really in the background is being compiled into c# or Then again we have had languages like XUL or boxly for awhile now. What I think the major issues are with those languages is they are not as mainstream and they do not have any real editor; the support for them tends to lack.

Now as far as running .Net applications on other OS�s like Linux and OS X, I am all for it but, I think the reason we see this massive push for only deving .Net applications for Windows, is because you have to remember who is deving these products. Not saying that all people are useless but there is a reason why people do .net Development and not OS X Dev or Linux Dev because it tends to be much simpler. The amount of people who struggle with Linux in the windows world is just nuts, throw in the OS X and your really have an issue because a lot of these people just have no clue. Could you see a migration to a more open world where .Net developers target other OSs? Sure I think in time and maybe it�s not that far off. But, at the current moment I just do not see the big push of Mono and its efforts�. Do I support? Yes, I do and I am sure there are a good group of others that do as well.

Posted by Andrew at September 18, 2005 05:26 AM

Very nice! I'm putting you at my favourits. Small brain blog: , Coin World magazine

Posted by Joseph Ballard at September 19, 2005 11:59 AM

Thanks for the info on prj2make. I am running VS2003 and I couldn't get it to work. Who can I contact to get support on this thing?

Posted by Joe at September 24, 2005 06:16 PM